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Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Because It Is Green or Beautiful? Consumer’s Perceived Value of a Unique Type of Sustainable Packaging, Store Evaluation, and Store Patronage Intentions

  • Ji Young Lee orcid logo (SUNY Buffalo State)
  • Ki Ho Park (Campbell University)


Several fashion and beauty brands develop and offer unique types of sustainable packaging in their store (e.g., "Knot-wrap," "seaweed-based" packaging). The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceived value of a unique type of sustainable packaging (i.e., green, aesthetic, functional, emotional, social, self-expression) and its impact on consumer's packaging evaluation, store evaluation, and store patronage intentions in the context of a fashion retail store. The moderating effects of consumer innovativeness and environmental concern were also assessed. Data were collected from undergraduates (n= 205) enrolled at Eastern University in the U.S. Structural equation modeling revealed that among the six types of perceived value of sustainable packaging, self-expression value had the strongest positive impact on packaging evaluation, followed by emotional, aesthetic, functional, and green value. Packaging evaluation had a positive impact on store evaluation. Store evaluation then positively influenced store patronage intentions. There were no significant moderating effects of consumer innovativeness and environmental concern.

Keywords: Store patronage intentions, Sustainable retailing, Sustainable packaging

How to Cite:

Lee, J. & Park, K., (2020) “Because It Is Green or Beautiful? Consumer’s Perceived Value of a Unique Type of Sustainable Packaging, Store Evaluation, and Store Patronage Intentions”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi:



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