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Keynotes, Special Sessions, and Workshops

Elevate to Innovate: Finding Innovative Ways to Incorporate Diversity and Inclusion into the Textile and Apparel Curriculum

  • Beth Myers (Georgia Southern University)
  • Alexandra L Howell (Meredith College)
  • Kelly L. Reddy-Best (Iowa State University)
  • Eulanda A. Sanders (Iowa State University)


A special topics session was held on incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into the textile and apparel curriculum. The purpose of the session was to allow members to talk in a safe space about DEI issues in the textile and apparel field, to allow members to share ways that they have included DEI in their classes, and to encourage ITAA members to think about innovative ways to incorporate DEI throughout the curriculum. During the session, participants entered breakout rooms to discuss DEI in one area of the textile and apparel curriculum, including merchandising and marketing, history, design/product development, or textiles. Participants discussed challenges that they see with the educational resources available, ways that they are currently incorporating DEI into their classes, and ideas for assignments that they can implement in the future. 

Keywords: curriculum, inclusion, diversity

How to Cite:

Myers, B., Howell, A. L., Reddy-Best, K. L. & Sanders, E. A., (2020) “Elevate to Innovate: Finding Innovative Ways to Incorporate Diversity and Inclusion into the Textile and Apparel Curriculum”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi:



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