Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in the Textile and Apparel Industry
TheTextile and Apparel Industry comprises complex networks that include design,production, and distribution. Entrepreneurial ecosystem research examines howregions' social, cultural, political, and economic structures can impactbusiness success. These factors plus other connected actors can be developed insuch a way that can create productive entrepreneurship within an area.Ecosystem mapping research can help small businesses, support organizations,and other network actors identify opportunities and constraints within themicro and macro entrepreneur ecosystems (Vedula & Kim, 2019). The purposeof this paper is to introduce the ecosystem research approach in the global Textileand Apparel Industry with a focus and call to action in the following areas:Public Policy and Government Support, Human Capital, Sustainability andResources.
Keywords: entrepreneur, ecosystem, mapping, textile and apparel, networks, entrepreneurial, small-business
How to Cite:
Batch, D. D. & Annett-Hitchcock, K., (2022) “Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in the Textile and Apparel Industry”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 78(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.13540
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