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Textile and Apparel Industries

Changing Job Demands: What Do Job Advertisements in the Bangladeshi Apparel Industry Job Portals Tell Us?

  • Ishtehar Sharif Swazan orcid logo (West Virginia University)
  • Debanjan Das orcid logo (University of Missouri)


Bangladesh, a small country in South Asia squeezed between two economic and garment export giants India and China, is one of the largest garment manufacturers and exporter in the world. The apparel industry of Bangladesh, is the largest employer in the country, employing 5 million people. This study aims to explore the job nature in the garment sector of Bangladesh and what qualities are the employers looking for from their garment professionals. Kunz’s (1995) behavioral theory of the apparel firms has been used as the study’s framework. A content analysis of job requirements in the apparel industry of Bangladesh was conducted for this study. The study results highlighted some major job requirements within the job categories The study findings also provided a practical understanding of the apparel industry job market by identifying the job requirements, and qualifications.

Keywords: Bangladesh, Apparel, Job Qualification, Content Analysis

How to Cite:

Swazan, I. & Das, D., (2022) “Changing Job Demands: What Do Job Advertisements in the Bangladeshi Apparel Industry Job Portals Tell Us?”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 78(1). doi:



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