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Social and Psychological Aspects

Latina Millennial Mothers’ Experience of Reshaping Motherhood Ideals: The Role of Fashion Mommy Influencers

  • Leslie Cuevas (Texas Tech University)
  • Heejin Lim (University of Tennessee)


The social media influencer phenomenon has largely explored women’s abilities and practices on digital spaces. Despite growing popularity on the subject matter, little research is available on how social media influencers help shape an individual’s identity, especially fashion mommy influencers’ (FMIs) role among Latina women in the US as they experience motherhood. To understand FMIs’ influence among Latina millennial mothers,’ data were drawn from three sources: (1) In-depth interviews, (2) digital ethnography, and (3) secondary data. Our data analysis revealed four themes that uncovered cultural and social influences on participants’ identity construction: 1) shaping of motherhood ideals (2) sense of solidarity through shared experiences with fashion mommy influencers, (3) fashion mommy influencers as a time-saving shopping reference for self, and (4) perceived distance in reality. Largely, we establish that FMIs serve as reference points on matters of fashion consumption and motherhood as Latinas construct their intersectional identities.

Keywords: Intersectionality, Social media influencers, Latinas, Motherhood

How to Cite:

Cuevas, L. & Lim, H., (2022) “Latina Millennial Mothers’ Experience of Reshaping Motherhood Ideals: The Role of Fashion Mommy Influencers”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 78(1). doi:



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