Apparel Manufacturers’ Influence on Consumers With Green Apparel and Eco-Label
Over the past half-century, concern for the environment has arisen vividly. Environmental concern has become progressively more apparent, from the 1960's ecology movement focusing on pollution and energy conservation to the recent use of environmental issues as a source of competitive advantage in business. Increased social pressures led companies to look for alternative packaging composition and design, alternative product formulations, and cause-related promotion in an effort to keep up with the environmental movement (Straughan & Roberts, 1999). According to Textiles Intelligence (2008), apparel production is the most environmentally friendly stage in the textile supply chain. However, dyeing and chemical treatment stages are the only part of the apparel production process that negatively affect our planet. However, clothing manufacturers have shifted operations to lower-cost countries which often have little to no environmental regulation and thus negatively impact the environment. It is a well-known fact that manufacturing of clothing requires a substantial amount of energy as finished goods travel from the country of origin to destination markets and expansion of consumption of textiles contributes to an increase in pollution, shortages of clean water, depletion of fossil fuels, and raw materials and climate change (Textiles Intelligence, 2008). The purpose of this paper is to review related literature and develop a theoretical model that shows how apparel manufacturers affect consumer purchasing decisions on green apparel.
Keywords: Green apparel, Mnufacturer, Consumers, Eco-label
How to Cite:
Mica, M. T. & Michaelson, D., (2022) “Apparel Manufacturers’ Influence on Consumers With Green Apparel and Eco-Label”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 78(1). doi:
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