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Merchandising/Marketing/Retailing: Management

How Do Size Recommendation Service and Size Concerns Affect E-Shopping Satisfaction?

  • Chi Eun Kim (Pusan National University)
  • Sejin Ha (University of Tennessee at Knoxville)


The purpose of thisstudy is to examine the role of size recommendation service by identifying itsquality dimension(s) and examine how it affects customer satisfaction via processingfluency in an online retail environment. Given that SRS intends to handlecustomer’s size concerns, it examines how individual differences in size concernswork with SRS quality in determining e-shopping satisfaction. The resultsrevealed two dimensions of SRS service quality: ease of use and reliability.Ease of use moderated by size concerns influenced consumer satisfaction throughprocessing fluency. On the other hand, reliability neither affected processingfluency nor interacted with size concerns on processing fluency. Instead,reliability had a significant impact on satisfaction directly. This study makescontributions to the fashion business literature by demonstrating the effect ofSRS on consumer satisfaction and enriches the current knowledge by confirmingthat size concerns moderate the relationship between ease of use and processingfluency.

Keywords: ize recommendation service, service quality, processing fluency, size concerns, size recommendation service

How to Cite:

Kim, C. & Ha, S., (2022) “How Do Size Recommendation Service and Size Concerns Affect E-Shopping Satisfaction?”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 78(1). doi:



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