Internationalizing Apparel Design Curriculum to Develop Interculturally Competent Students
Course internationalization is a process where international, global, and intercultural components are integrated into course content, teaching methods, assignments, and assessment. This process offers equal conditions for all students to graduate with the skills needed to tackle global challenges regardless of their capability to participate in immersive experiences (study abroad, international internships, etc.). This study incorporates international components into an apparel design studio course to examine 1) the impact of course internationalization on students' intercultural competence and2) determinants of success of the project (assessment measures). Students were asked to select one global issue to research and use as a source of influence to design a wearable art piece. Each design is meant to bring awareness to the chosen issue and further educate viewers about the topic and culture associated. Three measures were used to assess students' intercultural competence to ensure a multimethod, multi perspective assessment approach. These methods included a self-report survey, student papers and presentation, and instructor evaluations.
Keywords: Course internationalization, Assessment measures
How to Cite:
Rougeaux-Burnes, A., (2022) “Internationalizing Apparel Design Curriculum to Develop Interculturally Competent Students”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 79(1). doi:
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