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Examining Crotch Lengths at the Trochanterion Plane by Using 3D Body Scanning To Suggest Considerations for Improving Sizing of Absorbent Underwear Panels and Pads

  • Fatma Baytar (Cornell University)
  • Youngsook Kim (Cornell University)
  • Mona Maher (Cornell University)
  • Aditi Galada (Cornell University)
  • Catherine Devine (Cornell University)


Thispanel, or other absorbent products such as hygienic pads that are typicallyattached to this panel should be properly sized to provide comfort to thewearer (LaBat & Ryan, 2019). Anthropometric data related to underwear sizingand fit for women is very limited, and information on optimum positioning ofthe crotch panel from anterior to posterior planes is not available. Due to thelimited number of studies about the size of crotch length, the main purposes ofthe present study were to better understand (1) the sizing of women’s underwearas well as commercial hygienic pads (i.e., sanitary pad sand panty liners), and (2) the correlations between the length of crotch panel among women with varying age,size, BMI, hip measurements, and race.

Keywords: crotch length, absorbent panel sizing, 3D body scanning

How to Cite:

Baytar, F., Kim, Y., Maher, M., Galada, A. & Devine, C., (2022) “Examining Crotch Lengths at the Trochanterion Plane by Using 3D Body Scanning To Suggest Considerations for Improving Sizing of Absorbent Underwear Panels and Pads”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 78(1). doi:



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