Customer’s Perspective on Service Configuration Quality in Omnichannel Fashion Department Store
Fashion department stores are in a volatile position in the current retail environment. This study aims to assess customers’ perception of channel integration quality (i.e., content and process consistency), behavioral beliefs (i.e., fluency), and behavioral attitude (i.e., brand attitude), which consequently influence customers’ behavioral intention (i.e., patronage intention). Theory of Reasoned Action was adapted and combined with the IT framework developed by Shen et al. (2018) for use in the omnichannel retailing research environment. Findings reveal that channel integration quality has a positive influence on customers’ belief in channel fluency, however, channel fluency does not directly influence customers’ patronage intention. This finding implies that industry practitioners need to focus beyond the quality of channel integration and channel fluency.
Keywords: Omnichannel, Channel Integration Quality, Fluency, Brand Attitude, Patronage Intention, Fashion Department Stores
How to Cite:
Kopot, C., (2022) “Customer’s Perspective on Service Configuration Quality in Omnichannel Fashion Department Store”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 78(1). doi:
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