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Design and Product Development

Digital Prototyping for Women’s Compressive Top for Strength Training

  • Youngsook Kim (Cornell University)
  • Fatma Baytar (Cornell University)


of these muscles work in a combinationway to activate its growth through strength training. To improve thiscollaborative performance in muscles effectively and enhance exercisingability, compression sportswear can apply pressure on the body and activateblood circulation as well as relieve muscle fatigue. This way, it can help thebody endure at a higher athletic level for extended periods. However, there islack of studies, particularly for women, related to developing compressionsportswear to enhance exercising performance. Therefore, the purpose of thepresent study was to evaluate a design ideation of a compressive top forstrength training targeting women. For this purpose, we developed a digitalprototype to analyze pattern-muscle area match.

Keywords: digital design, compression garments, 3D body scan

How to Cite:

Kim, Y. & Baytar, F., (2022) “Digital Prototyping for Women’s Compressive Top for Strength Training”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 78(1). doi:



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