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Merchandising/Marketing/Retailing: Branding

'Just for you': Unveiling the Traits of the Mass-Customized Clothing Shoppers

  • Gargi Bhaduri (Kent State University - Kent Campus)
  • Jihyun Kim (Kent State University)


In this study, we aim to address characteristics of young adult consumers' who had an experience of purchasing mass-customized products in comparison to the counterparts, to draw pragmatic implications for the mass customized clothing industry. An online survey was administered to adult undergraduates in a fashion program at a major US university. Out of 388 usable responses (95.6% female), there were 251 participants who had previously purchased a mass customized clothing, and 137 who had not. Two-group (purchasers/non-purchasers) independent samples t-tests revealed that purchasers of mass customized clothing were more involved in fashion, and were also more hedonically motivated in their shopping orientation than non-purchasers. In terms of perceived risks of a mass customized clothing compared to a mass-produced clothing, purchasers perceived higher functional and social risk than non-purchasers. Finally, when it came to attitudes towards mass customized clothing, purchasers, compared to non-purchasers had more favorable opinion toward giving a mass customized clothing as a gift to close family and friend and also for oneself. Implications are suggested for brands of mass-customized clothing

How to Cite:

Bhaduri, G. & Kim, J., (2018) “'Just for you': Unveiling the Traits of the Mass-Customized Clothing Shoppers”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 75(1).

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