Concurrent Sessions

Trade Patterns in Man-Made Fibers: An Application of the Extended Technology Gap Model

  • Yang Jin Jong (Myongji University)


The objective of this study is to investigate international trade patterns in man-made fiber industries using extended technology model. Hufbauer (1966) suggested the technology gap theory to explain man-made fiber industries. In his theory, a country where technical innovation occurs will export to other countries until innovation occurs in these countries. An innovating country with large production facilities can maintain its export advantage through economies of scale. Once the production technique is known, low wage countries can take export advantage due to low production costs. The extended technology model in this study includes domestic textile production to find the linkage effect between fiber export and textile production.

How to Cite:

Jong, Y. J., (1998) “Trade Patterns in Man-Made Fibers: An Application of the Extended Technology Gap Model”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 1999(1).

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Published on
31 Dec 1998