Purchase Intention for Luxury Wellness Brands: Assessing the Predictive Value of Brand Awareness versus Brand Attachment
Despite consumers' pursuit of wellness in luxury consumption, little research has been done regarding the simultaneous impact of cognitive and relational variables on luxury buying behavior. As an attempt to address this void, this study is designed to investigate how brand awareness (cognitive) and brand attachment (relational) are interrelated and contribute to purchase intention for luxury wellness brands. Specifically, our study centered on the following research questions: "¢ RQ1: Does brand awareness predict purchase intention for luxury wellness brands? Does brand awareness explain a significant amount of the variance in purchase intention when controlling for the possible effects of demographic characteristics (i.e., age, education)? "¢ RQ2: Is brand attachment a necessary construct to explain purchase intention for luxury wellness brands? Do consumers intend to purchase a wellness luxury brand although they do not feel attached to it?
How to Cite:
Huh, J. & Kim, H., (2018) “Purchase Intention for Luxury Wellness Brands: Assessing the Predictive Value of Brand Awareness versus Brand Attachment”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 75(1).
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