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Effect of Social Capital on Attitude toward Fitness Apparel in Online Shopping

  • Changhyun Nam (Iowa State University)
  • Jihyeong Son (Washington State University)
  • Jeagu Yu (Chung-Ang University)


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of social capital on web service quality and attitude toward fitness apparel through a comparison of the U.S. and South Korean college students' body satisfaction. A total of 1,144 usable data via online surveys were obtained from U.S. and Korean college students. SPSS and AMOS software were used for the discriminant analysis and CFA and SEM. We found that the samples of both college students are significantly different in their designations of being satisfied or dissatisfied with their bodies, and online shopping and improving website service quality can bridge the gap between these cultural differences. However, there was no direct effect on U.S. body-satisfied students and Korea body-dissatisfied students regarding social capital on attitude toward fitness apparel. We suggest that e-tailers and marketers should continue to develop and implement improvements to website quality and communicate with consumers to provide information regarding fitness apparel.

How to Cite:

Nam, C., Son, J. & Yu, J., (2018) “Effect of Social Capital on Attitude toward Fitness Apparel in Online Shopping”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 75(1).

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