Wearable Basket
The present design explores the application of handwoven basketry techniques to apparel design. Basketry typically falls into three types of construction approaches: (a) twined, (b) coiled, and (c) woven (Christopher, 2014). Thus, the purpose of this design was to explore the application of handwoven split reed basketry techniques to create a wearable art piece. Inspiration for the overall silhouette of this design was ultimately dictated by the rigidity of the basket materials and the need for donning and doffing. The oversized shoulder pads and panniers of the basket were inspired by the fashions of the1980s and the designs of Arnold Scaasi. The wearable basket was constructed using eight ¼” round reeds. The reeds were centered on the shoulders, twisted in the center front and center back, and then fanned out over the hips. The weaving for the panniers was also done with ¼” flat reeds.
Keywords: basketry, handweaving, panniers, Scaasi
How to Cite:
Stannard, C. R., (2022) “Wearable Basket”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 79(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.15753
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