Contouring Method for Zero Waste Design
The purpose of this design was to add to the applied knowledge on the topic of zero waste fashion design by contributing a method where shaping can be added to geometric pattern pieces using knitted rib in areas usually requiring fabric cutting and fabric waste to shape the garment. This design relies on the formal aesthetic properties of line and color to create visual impact, where the use of a single color adds visual coherence to the relationship between design features. Using a Brother KH-970 with ribber attachment, the knitted rib shaping zero waste concept resulted in a final contoured design that was comprised of minimal and simple geometric shapes, easily assembled, and with zero fabric waste.
Keywords: Zero Waste, Sustainability, Innovative Pattern Making, Machine Knitting
How to Cite:
Bernardoni, J. M., (2022) “Contouring Method for Zero Waste Design”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 79(1). doi:
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