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Pedagogy and Professional Development

Inviting Industry into the Classroom: Meeting Learning Outcomes While Satisfying Industry Demands

  • Jessica Lee Ridgway (Florida State University)
  • Ashley Hasty (Indiana University)


The decision to invite industry into the classroom is rarely an easy one. Much like the separation of church and state, most academic universities acknowledge the need for separation between academia and industry. Industry should not dictate classroom curriculum, but neither should it be ignored when instructors are developing course content. There are a number of pros and cons as well as best practices to recognize when deciding if, when, and how industry should be brought into the academic classroom. This paper utilizes Kolb's (1984) four stage learning cycle to identify best practices for inviting industry into the classroom and offer suggestions for how to avoid common pitfalls with industry collaboration.

How to Cite:

Ridgway, J. L. & Hasty, A., (2017) “Inviting Industry into the Classroom: Meeting Learning Outcomes While Satisfying Industry Demands”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 74(1).

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