Design Process: Creating a Clip System for Nursing Bras to Assist with Breast Exposure
The goal of this research project was to invent a technology and design a solution to help mothers address issues with breastfeeding in hopes to facilitate a better breastfeeding experience and as a result, increasing the duration in which mothers breastfeed their infants. This patent pending design is a clip system integrated into the strap of a nursing bra which allows a mother to quickly and easily, clip their shirt up to allow for access to their breast.
Keywords: Nursing bra clip system, user-centered design, nursing bra, maternity, clip system
How to Cite:
Ridgway, J. L., (2022) “Design Process: Creating a Clip System for Nursing Bras to Assist with Breast Exposure”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 79(1). doi:
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