Simultaneous Use Dyad Design Model for User-Centered Design: A Case Study of Kangaroo Care Garments Developed for Use in NICU Environments
User-centered design has been conducted in various fields, including computer science, engineering, medicine, and textiles and apparel. These fields have primarily focused on designing products for one user at a time. However, there are circumstances in which a pair or dyad is defined as the main user. User dyad shave been addressed in the field of medicine as caregiver-patient, where caregivers can be medical providers or even parents. In these dyads, the user roles are primary users and support users suggesting that the product is used by one individual at a time with the support of another. However, yet to be explored within the context of user-centered design, is the simultaneous use dyad (SUD). Meaning, circumstances in which two users are simultaneously using a product, and both are defined as the primary user. We have conducted a case study that examines the SUD of mother and infant through the exploration of creating a kangaroo care garment to be utilized by the dyad (mother-infant) in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit).
Keywords: user-centered design, user dyad, simultaneous use, design framework, clothing taskscape
How to Cite:
Ridgway, J. L. & Clarke-Sather, A., (2022) “Simultaneous Use Dyad Design Model for User-Centered Design: A Case Study of Kangaroo Care Garments Developed for Use in NICU Environments”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 79(1). doi:
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