Conscious Consumption of Green Apparel Among College Students
The purpose of this exploratory study is to assess young adults’ ability to identify green apparel products. The first objective is to assess college students’ knowledge about environmental concerns and assess their green purchasing behaviors. The second objective is to explore students’ knowledge in identifying green and non-green apparel products. Convenient sampling method was used to recruit participants who were college students enrolled in Family and Consumer Science classes. A total of 37 valid surveys were used in this analysis. College students showed high levels of attitude to protect the environment and were interested in purchasing green products. However, their knowledge in identifying green apparel products from non-green products was insufficient.
Keywords: Environmental knowledge, Environmental Concern, Buying behavior, Greenwashing
How to Cite:
Derafshi, M. & Balasubramanian, M., (2022) “Conscious Consumption of Green Apparel Among College Students”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 79(1). doi:
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