How Do Apparel Students Perceive the Use of VR Technology in Pre-study Tour Class?
The primary goal of this study is to understand how VR technology influences the learning experience in the pre-study tour class. The study aims to examine factors affecting students’ class attitude and satisfaction. Twenty-eight students enrolled in the pre-study tour class at a public university in the Midsouth university were recruited to conduct an online survey. The results showed that most participants perceived VR technology as useful, easy to use, and enjoyable in the pre-study tour class. Perceived enjoyment positively influenced both perceived usefulness and ease of use. While both perceived usefulness and ease of use positively influenced class attitude, perceived ease of use had a stronger impact than usefulness. Class attitude enhanced satisfaction with class outcomes.
Keywords: Virtual reality, study tour, technology acceptance model
How to Cite:
Cho, E. & Hubert, S. K., (2022) “How Do Apparel Students Perceive the Use of VR Technology in Pre-study Tour Class?”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 79(1). doi:
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