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Keynotes, Special Sessions, and Workshops

Using Human-Centered Methods to Inform Designing

  • Kirsten Schaefer (Ryerson University)
  • Sandra R Tullio-Pow (Ryerson University)
  • Megan Strickfaden (University of Alberta)


This workshop introduced qualitative methods with a human centered lens. Communication with people in natural settings prior to developing products reveal the interconnections between people's thoughts and actions and are essential to identify design criteria and new ways of designing. This session outlined a variety of human centered methods that combine observation with the use of probes to encourage storytelling to facilitate the designer becoming familiar with the use scenario, formulating curiosity, questions, and insight. Topics included building empathy through body mapping and using observation to gain design insights, co-designing with personalized body scans, mapping the clothing taskscape as well as immersive interview protocols that employed the use of probes, guided tours, talking whilst shopping, and personal wardrobes. Methodological benefits and limitations were described and illustrated using tangible examples rich with details of data collected from diverse groups within a variety of clothing contexts.

Keywords: qualitative, human centered, reflexivity

How to Cite:

Schaefer, K., Tullio-Pow, S. R. & Strickfaden, M., (2022) “Using Human-Centered Methods to Inform Designing”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 79(1). doi:

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