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Design and Product Development

Adaptive Clothing for People Effected by Parkinson's Disease

  • Leslee Jayne Weible (Central Michigan University)
  • Su Kyoung An (Central Michigan University)


Parkinson's disease (PD) is a disease that can manifest in different physical symptoms that can cause slow movements and speech, stiff limbs, stooped posture, and shaking sometimes resulting in the need for wheelchair use (Better lives. Together, n.d.; Simpson, LoPresti, & Cooper, 2008). This research focuses on how the FEA framework can be utilized in the creation of adaptive garments, specifically tops, for wheelchair bound elderly men affected by PD. Two designs were proposed featuring wide armholes and back pleats. Design 1 featured zipper closures along the sides and up towards the neck to create a removable front panel, giving the user easier access to the neck and armholes. Design 2 included magnetic closures along one side which would allow the user to slip into the design before closing the edge. This study only considers phase one of product design and future studies could focus on implementation and user insight.

Keywords: adaptive clothing, Parkinson's, FEA Model

How to Cite:

Weible, L. J. & An, S., (2022) “Adaptive Clothing for People Effected by Parkinson's Disease”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 79(1). doi:

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