Women's Reaction to Whole 3D Body Scanning and its Influence on Body Satisfaction
This study examined females' reactions to the body scanning process and measure their body satisfaction directly before and after having a body scan. A mixed method design was used to enable the researchers to gain an understanding of the short-term reactions of women to whole 3D body scanning. Thirty- five females aged 18-35 participated in this study. Analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data revealed the body scanning process did not negatively affect the women's overall self-esteem. However, comparison of pre and posttest survey revealed participants became more aware of how certain body parts look from an outsider's viewpoint. Resulting in some participants being more satisfied and others less satisfied with particular body parts. Participants likened the viewing of their avatar to seeing their image from an outsiders' perspective, which supports the self-objectification theory. It can be concluded that for participants in this study viewing the realistic image changed their perspective of how their body looks to outsiders.
How to Cite:
Saeidi, E. & Romeo, L., (2017) “Women's Reaction to Whole 3D Body Scanning and its Influence on Body Satisfaction”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 74(1).
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