La Belle Lute
La Belle Lute, which translates to "The Beautiful Struggle," was a collaboration amongst two colleagues who used both new technologies (3D printing) and traditional textile creation (hand-knitting) to create a wearable garment. Inspiration for this design was pulled from Gothic architecture and armor, the stories of Joan of Arc, and the battles that women of today continue to fight. Using a combination of these sources, La Belle Lute was created with a silhouette that encompasses power, strength, and artification, and that has details representing a balance of feminism and fortitude. This piece of work is one that not only highlights the combination of newer technology with traditional textile creation, but also reflects upon history and contemporary events.
How to Cite:
Lim, S. R. & Pastor, R., (2017) “La Belle Lute”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 74(1).
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