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Merchandising/Marketing/Retailing: Branding

Social Media and Disability Community: Exploring How Disability Advocates and Influencers Promote Adaptive Apparel Using Instagram and Twitter

  • Kerri McBee-Black (University of Missouri)
  • Li Zhao (University of Missouri)
  • Sharan Srinivas (University of Missouri)


With the rise of social media, a new opportunity for product promotion and influence has emerged. Apparel brands and retailers use social media to engage with influencers who may have the power to leverage their consumers (Han et al., 2021). Literature has explored the role of marketing and promotion within the apparel industry. However, these studies have primarily focused on traditional apparel consumers, not underrepresented consumers like people with disabilities (PWD). This study aimed to understand how social media is used as a marketing and promotion tool for PWD consumers within the adaptive apparel marketplace and explores how disability advocates and influencers use social media to promote adaptive apparel. The findings from this study support the aim, finding that brands and organizations build stronger connections with potential users and engage through virtual social network connections. Suggesting that for PWDs and the organizations and brandsthat engage with PWDs, the virtual social network is an opportunity to gaintrust and build connections. 

Keywords: Disability, social media, adaptive apparel, social networks

How to Cite:

McBee-Black, K., Zhao, L. & Srinivas, S., (2024) “Social Media and Disability Community: Exploring How Disability Advocates and Influencers Promote Adaptive Apparel Using Instagram and Twitter”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 80(1). doi:



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