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Pedagogy and Professional Development

Individuality and Personal Image: Styling the Chancellor

  • Mercan Derafshi orcid logo (University of Tennessee Martin)


Fashion styling is organizing apparel and accessories in a visually pleasing way. This freshmen level class applied principles and elements of design to the personal and professional clothing needs of men and women. This styling project engages experiential based learning theory to style a client, in this case the university’s chancellor referred as the client. This project aims to apply concepts of individuality, personal styling, image construction, proportion, color theory, ABC of accessories, fabric, and design selection. The client spoke to the class about his job and the events he attends. Students dressed the chancellor for the following 6 events: 1. Recruitment at high schools, 2. University affair meetings, 3. Senators, 4. Dinner with donors, 5. Town hall meetings, and 6. A day at the office and meeting with college students. Future directions of this project may include other members of the community, campus management, staff, and/or faculty.

Keywords: Fashion styling, Image management, Experiential based learning theory, Needs assessment

How to Cite:

Derafshi, M., (2024) “Individuality and Personal Image: Styling the Chancellor”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 80(1). doi:



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