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ITAA-KSCT Joint Symposium

Incorporating Cotton into the Curriculum

  • Virginia Rolling (Georgia Southern University)


Cotton fiber consumption is expected to increase worldwide, and this predominate fiber is used in various markets from home textiles to a wide range of apparel products such as denim, socks, and more. As such, fashion undergraduate students are emerging textile and apparel professionals that should be educated on this fiber. Therefore, this qualitative study aimed to use free internet-based Open Educational Resources (OER) from CottonWorks™ website to introduce students to information on this fiber and determine what students reflected on as important information to share from this source. Active learning think-pair-share activities were used for a face-to-face fashion fundamentals course. Students were divided into seven groups of between two to four students. This interactive TBL classroom assignment was very effective asstudents accurately shared specific key takeaways from their assigned OER website section to share with the entire class, which developed into specific discussion themes (e.g., cotton classification, etc.).

Keywords: Cotton, Curriculum

How to Cite:

Rolling, V., (2024) “Incorporating Cotton into the Curriculum”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 80(1). doi:



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