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Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Exploring the Business Case for Textile-to-Textile Recycling using Post-consumer Waste in the US: Challenges and Opportunities

  • Evan McCauley (Glasgow Caledonian NY College)
  • Iva M Jestratijevic (University of North Texas)


The purpose of this research is to investigate the business case for using this waste as an input to textile-to-textile recycling. This research has three main objectives: explore the dynamics between post-consumer waste traders and recyclers; investigate challenges to faster scaling of textile waste feedstocks and the processing of this waste into new fibers; and provide theoretical and practical foundations for effective interventions in this area. The study employs a Grounded Theory approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eleven senior management representatives from textile sorting and fiber recycling organizations with operations in the US. Findings reveal that the scale of the textile waste problem is larger than the existing sector can handle, and textile-to-textile recycling is not scaling fast enough. Without sufficient incentives, the businesses needed to scale the textile recycling sector will not fully develop, meaning textile waste will continue to accumulate. 

Keywords: Textile Waste, Traders, Recyclers, US, Recycling

How to Cite:

McCauley, E. & Jestratijevic, I. M., (2024) “Exploring the Business Case for Textile-to-Textile Recycling using Post-consumer Waste in the US: Challenges and Opportunities”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 80(1). doi:

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