Promoting Applied STEM Careers in Fashion and Entrepreneurship to High School Students
In this study, we developed and tested the effectiveness of experiential learning modules in an applied STEM camp to engage high school students in science-, math-, and technology-based activities. The research objectives were: (1) to create awareness of applied STEM careers among high school students, with a focus on fashion and entrepreneurship, and (2) to increase student interest and intention to pursue college careers in STEM. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Fifty-seven camp participants completed both pre- and post-test surveys. The results reveal the benefits of the Applied STEM camp to enhance high school students’ awareness of STEM in fashion and entrepreneurship and their career-related interests, beliefs, and intentions. The Applied STEM Camp experience can be replicated at other institutions to encourage students to consider fashion and entrepreneurship careers.
Keywords: applied STEM, fashion, entrepreneurship, career, high school, camp
How to Cite:
Karpova, E. E., Su, J., Carrico, M., Welsh, D. & Bang, H., (2024) “Promoting Applied STEM Careers in Fashion and Entrepreneurship to High School Students”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 80(1). doi:
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