Pedagogy and Professional Development

Using VR as a Conceptual Design Tool in an Apparel Design Classroom

  • Jennifer Elaine Stanley (University of North Texas)
  • Hae Jin Gam (University of North Texas)
  • Chanjuan Chen (University of North Texas)


Scholars have used virtual reality for 3D fashion sketching and as inspiration for garment design (Lee et al., 2021b; Starkey et al., 2021). Sketching in 3D through virtual reality can provide increased conceptual thinking and visual conception in the design process (Lee et al., 2021b). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the virtual reality application in the fashion design course to improve students’ creativity. More specifically, this study investigated students’ translation of the experience of fashion sketching in virtual reality to their finished garment design. This study builds on previous research and knowledge by exploring student design outcomes using virtual reality and provides the implication to fashion design educators. 

Keywords: virtual reality, draping, 3D, sketching, technology

How to Cite:

Stanley, J. E., Gam, H. & Chen, C., (2024) “Using VR as a Conceptual Design Tool in an Apparel Design Classroom”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 80(1). doi:



Published on
23 Jan 2024
Peer Reviewed