Josephine Knot: A Wearable Basket
The purpose of this design was to create a contemporary wearable art piece using the Josephine knot basketry technique and historical reference inspiration from the fashions and life of Empress Josephine. The present work builds on the first designer’s past explorations of wearable basketry (Stannard, 2022). To the designers’ knowledge, a Josephine knot basket has not been utilized within wearable art. The additional use of historic references to Empress Josephine is another unique contribution of this piece.Knowledge gained from this design includes the shaping of wet basket elements to the plastic wrap-covered dress form to create fit and the visual effect created by leaving the long reeds at the back as a design feature.
Keywords: basketry, draping, historic reference, Josephine knot
How to Cite:
Stannard, C. R. & Bernardoni, J. M., (2024) “Josephine Knot: A Wearable Basket”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 80(1). doi:
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