Supply Chain Simulation of Manufacturing Process of Women’s Solid Cotton Knit T-Shirt Using System Dynamics Modeling Software
This project simulates the manufacturing process of a women’s solid cotton knit t- shirt using a system dynamics modeling software (SDM) called STELLA (Systems Thinking, Experimental Learning Laboratory with Animation). SDM is a computer-aided approach to analysis and design, and it offers a mathematical modeling method to frame, understand, and discuss complicated issues. This paper demonstrates how STELLA can help a manufacturing unit make better decisions when confronted with dynamic systems. The model is demonstrated using t-shirt manufacturing because of its relatively simple manufacturing process. Our results suggest that the specific simulation provided here is an efficient way to assist t-shirt manufacturing companies in making business decisions without fear of losing valuable time and assets, as the model simulates different manufacturing supply chain scenarios in a risk-free environment. For future research, the environmental impact of equilibrium material flows within the supply chain can be studied using life cycle assessment software.
Keywords: sustainable supply chain management; t- shirt manufacturing; systems dynamic modeling; modeling product manufacturing
How to Cite:
Kaur, G. & Kander, R., (2024) “Supply Chain Simulation of Manufacturing Process of Women’s Solid Cotton Knit T-Shirt Using System Dynamics Modeling Software”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 80(1). doi:
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