Shop in the Name of Love: A Qualitative Analysis of Fashion Mobile Design Features
This study utilized semi structured interviews to study mobile design features, specifically (a) to explore the features that drive consumer purchase and decision-making and (b) to identify which features were most prevalent in current fashion mobile apps. Seven women, between the ages of 18-22, enrolled in a southeastern university in the U.S. were purposively chosen as each had experience with shopping on mobile devices, expressed a heightened interest in fashion, belonged in the millennial generation, and displayed evidence of their smartphones being an essential part of their daily lives. Data collection was framed by Magrath and McCormick (2013) mobile design features (a) multimedia product viewing (b) product promotion and (c) consumer led interactions. Unique themes were generated and interpreted. Findings showed participants placed value on mobile design features, and used a variety of them to aid in the shopping decision process.
How to Cite:
Martinez, B. M. & McAndrews, L., (2017) “Shop in the Name of Love: A Qualitative Analysis of Fashion Mobile Design Features”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 74(1).
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