Augmented Reality Mobile Apps in Fashion Retail: Expectancy-Value Judgments
This study examined (1) the influence of expectancy-value judgments of uses and gratifications including novelty, fashion/status, sociability, and relaxation on trust in AR apps, (2) the influence of trust in AR apps on usage intention toward AR apps and online/offline store patronage intention, and (3) the moderating effect of consumer self-determination. Mobile users (n = 630) from a U.S. consumer panel completed an online self-administered survey. Structural equation modeling and two-way ANOVA were used for data analysis. This study found that novelty and fashion/status were positively related to trust in AR apps. Sociability was negatively related to trust in AR apps. Trust in AR apps was positively related to usage intention toward AR apps and online/offline store patronage intention. Trust in and usage intention toward AR apps were determinants of online/offline store patronage intention. Consumer self-determination moderated the link between trust in and usage intention toward AR apps and the link between trust in AR apps and online/offline store patronage intention.
How to Cite:
Kang, J. M., (2017) “Augmented Reality Mobile Apps in Fashion Retail: Expectancy-Value Judgments”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 74(1).
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