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Consumer Behavior

Young Consumers' Motivations for Virtual Luxury NFT Wearables: Moderating Effects of Gender and Income

  • Hanna Lee orcid logo (North Carolina State University)
  • Md. Rafiqul Islam Rana (University of South Carolina)
  • Yingjiao Xu (North Carolina State University)


Virtual luxury NFT (non-fungible tokens) wearables, introduced by luxury fashion brands, primarily represent digital versions of clothing and accessories minted as NFTs. While young consumers are the key consumer segment for virtual luxury NFTs, research fully investigating young consumers’ motivations to purchase virtual luxury NFTs are scarce and limited, with only a few investigating consumers’ general interest in fashion NFTs employing a qualitative approach or primarily focusing on economic or technical value of NFTs. Drawing from the Customer Value Framework (CVF), this study aims to investigate how multifaceted perceived values associated with luxury consumption and virtual product consumption influence the purchase attitude of young consumers and their willingness to purchase and pay price premiums for virtual luxury NFT wearables. Furthermore, this study explores the moderating effects of gender and income to account for variations in interests and knowledge among different demographic groups. 

Keywords: Motivation, Young consumers, Luxury NFT, Gender, Income

How to Cite:

Lee, H., Rana, M. & Xu, Y., (2025) “Young Consumers' Motivations for Virtual Luxury NFT Wearables: Moderating Effects of Gender and Income”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 81(1). doi:

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