Impact of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus on Air Gaps in Structural Firefighting Personal Protective Equipment
The purpose of this research was to determine the impact of the self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) on the fit, ease allowance, and air gaps of structural firefighting personal protective clothing. Eleven active-duty male firefighters participated in this study. Each participant was scanned wearing four garment configurations (compression underwear, base layers, turnout suit, and turnout suit with SCBA) using a Size Stream SS20 three-dimensional body scanner. Torso volume and surface area were compared and used to calculate torso air gap volume and distance. Ten front torso body measurements were analyzed for garment ease when wearing the SCBA compared to the turnout suit. When donning the SCBA, the majority of volume measures decreased, however for four participants, increases were detected. For the ten ease measurements, seven decreased while three increased, on average. Results were only significant for two measures. This study only begins to quantify the realized impact of the SCBA fit.
Keywords: self-contained breathing apparatus, firefighter, air gaps, fit, garment ease
How to Cite:
Pokharel, A., Rodriguez Armada, D., Bolaji, J. & McQuerry, M., (2025) “Impact of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus on Air Gaps in Structural Firefighting Personal Protective Equipment”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 81(1). doi:
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