Understanding and building student interest in alternative fashion design careers through a project based learning patternmaking project
The job market for fashion design students can be unpredictable. To provide them with more opportunities addition many need to be made to fashion design curriculum to include training for alternative fashion design career. This study explores the interest that fashion design students have in pursuing and learning about the alternative that are available to them in similar industries such as craft and home sewing. Using a project-based learning approach (Blumenfeld, Soloway, Marx, Krajcik, Guzdial, & Palincsar, 1991) this study was developed to gauge interest in alternative careers before and after participating in a project on home sewing pattern development. Students reveal more interest in alternative careers after completing the project and also expressed a more diversity in their understanding of potential career options available.
How to Cite:
Martindale, A. & McKinney, E., (2017) “Understanding and building student interest in alternative fashion design careers through a project based learning patternmaking project”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 74(1).
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