The Affect Team Learning has on Creativity in a College Classroom Environment
Today's college graduates enter into a world constantly presenting them with "problems" that do not have simple solutions. Typical design students work independently in classrooms with very little interaction from peers, yet businesses expect them to engage individually and in groups. In 1961, Rhodes added the fourth "P" of press or environment to the preexisting three P's of person, process, and product. Since that time creativity has increasingly been seen as a social phenomenon. Vygotsky (1978) noted social constructivism, or team learning, requires learners to develop teamwork skills and to see how their individual learning relates to the success of group learning. Using the framework of social constructivism, the goal of this study was to explore how the four themes (person, product, process, and environment) influences and impact on the triadic relationship between the creative and design processes, the team learning environment, and on the projects produced in college classrooms.
How to Cite:
Simpson, M., (2017) “The Affect Team Learning has on Creativity in a College Classroom Environment”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 74(1).
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