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Consumer Behavior

The Effect of Fashion Brand and Charity Collaborations on Brand Attitudes

  • Michelle L. Childs (The University of Tennessee)
  • Seeun Kim (Auburn University)


This research conducts two experimental studies and tests the effects of fashion brand and charity collaborations on consumers' attitude towards the brand. Study 1 examines whether consumers change their attitudes towards a brand when it collaborates with a charity. Study 2 further investigates this relationship and tests whether consumers' change in brand attitudes is impacted by the brand's level (high-end vs. low-end) and the conspicuousness of consumers' compassion (conspicuous vs. non-conspicuous). Findings show that collaborating with a charity as part of a cause related marketing campaign can increase consumers' attitudes towards the brand, especially for a high-end brand which presents their charity collaboration conspicuously. Theoretical and practical implications will be presented based on findings of this study.

How to Cite:

Childs, M. L. & Kim, S., (2017) “The Effect of Fashion Brand and Charity Collaborations on Brand Attitudes”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 74(1).

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