Incorporation of Pen-Based Digital Drawing Tools in Apparel and Interior Design Instruction for Effective Design Communication
Effective design communication skills lie at the heart of apparel and interior design professions. One of the challenges of apparel and interior design education is keeping pace with the evolving needs of the professions with respect to design communication technologies. These technologies have changed significantly over the last ten years (Clark & Clark, 2010) and emerging technologies of today are likely to be commonplace in higher education within the next five years (Johnson, et al, 2011).
Keywords: Digital, technology, design, instruction
How to Cite:
Chattaraman, V., Tan, L. & Peek, P., (2013) “Incorporation of Pen-Based Digital Drawing Tools in Apparel and Interior Design Instruction for Effective Design Communication”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).
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