Apparel brands’ use of Facebook: An exploratory content analysis of branded entertainment
Apparel companies create Facebook profile pages to directly communicate with consumers through the use of different forms of branded entertainment. The concept of branded entertainment involves a combination of entertainment and brand information that is part of a marketing strategy designed to reach consumers (Hudson & Hudson, 2006; Lehu, 2007). Various types of branded entertainment can be utilized on Facebook, including contests, sweepstakes, interactive games and word play, events, videos, audios, and downloads. Compared to traditional forms of marketing, branded entertainment can build a stronger relationship between the brand and consumers (Zhang, 2010). By creating a link between the brand and its consumers, branded entertainment serves as an effective marketing strategy that enhances short- and long-term awareness of a brand (Lehu, 2007).
Keywords: Branded entertainment, Facebook, play theory
How to Cite:
Touchette, B., Schanski, M. & Lee, S., (2013) “Apparel brands’ use of Facebook: An exploratory content analysis of branded entertainment”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).
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