Student and faculty perceptions of the development and use of Massive Open Online Courses in clothing and textiles education
Online learning environments are increasingly common in clothing and textiles (CT) education (e.g., see “Special Courses” on The newest variation is called a Massive Open Online Course (or MOOC). MOOCs are similar to college courses, but were developed in an attempt to revolutionize higher education. They are online courses aiming at large-scale global participation (e.g., up to thousands of students). Students can work at their own pace and on their own time, as well as further enhance learning through the use of social media for peer-interaction.
Keywords: course development, learning, online, perceptions
How to Cite:
Reeves-DeArmond, G., Mower, J. & Nishida, K., (2013) “Student and faculty perceptions of the development and use of Massive Open Online Courses in clothing and textiles education”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).
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