College students’ purchase intention for luxury brand fashion counterfeit goods: A cross-cultural comparison
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (2012) reported that fashion counterfeiting keeps growing. Among the 25,000 counterfeits seized in 2011, fashion counterfeits were the largest category, representing 32%. China is one of the largest suppliers of counterfeits (Facts and Details, 2012). However, little is known about Chinese consumers’ fashion counterfeit purchase behaviors and no cross-cultural studies have examined the differences between U.S. and Chinese consumers in terms of factors influencing their behavioral intention related to fashion counterfeit consumption.
Keywords: fashion counterfeits, face-saving, subjective norm, group conformity
How to Cite:
Huang, X. & Kim, H., (2013) “College students’ purchase intention for luxury brand fashion counterfeit goods: A cross-cultural comparison”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).
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