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Merchandising/Marketing/Retailing: Branding

Who is using apparel tablet catalogs? Intention and behavior of fashion and IT innovators

  • Tracie Tung (Oregon State University)
  • Tun-Min (Catherine) Catherine Jai orcid logo (Texas Tech University)


This study aimed to uncover the potential characteristics of apparel tablet catalog application (TCA) users. The popularity of mobile devices has resulted in the proliferation of many additional new retailing platforms. The tablet catalog is one of the new outgrowths in the field of e-commerce and catalog shopping. It allows consumers to make transactions while browsing catalog pages within the application on mobile devices. Given the relative infancy of TCAs, however, there is a desire to investigate the relation between the users and their adoption intention and behavior. The results from this study provide a deeper understanding of consumers who adopt TCAs, which greatly benefits TCA marketers looking to formulate more effective marketing strategies.

Keywords: Innovativeness, fashion, Tablet catalogs, information technology

How to Cite:

Tung, T. & Jai, T. C., (2013) “Who is using apparel tablet catalogs? Intention and behavior of fashion and IT innovators”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).

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