Mother/Daughter Relationships and Fashion Influences
Consumers are influenced in their fashion styles in a variety of ways (Bertrandias & Goldsmith, 2006). They often talk to each other, and seek and give opinions. Opinion leadership and opinion seeking are recognized as among the most important word-of-mouth influences on product sales and brand choice (Behling, 1992; Bertrandias & Goldsmith, 2006). Conversely, opinion seekers typically have less interest in and knowledge of products (such as fashion) than opinion leaders and; therefore as consumers, they seek information and advice from opinion leaders (Goldsmith & Clark, 2008).
Keywords: daughters, influences, mothers, fashion
How to Cite:
Kestler, J. L. & Paulins, V., (2013) “Mother/Daughter Relationships and Fashion Influences”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).
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