Shapewear Fit and Attractiveness Ratings Based on Body Type
The history of shapewear is lengthy and controversial. Shapewear is worn to manipulate body shape to meet the social ideal. According to Hawthorne (1933), girdles became decreasingly popular in the 1960’s. The invention of control top panty hose eliminated the need for girdles to hold up stockings. Chandler and Palmer (1995) believed that shapewear became important again because baby boomers began to age and gain weight. Their bodies lacked definition and shape, which lead to the creation of shapewear.
Keywords: shape, scanning, shapewear, body
How to Cite:
Fish, K., MacGillivray, M., An, S. & Beard, C., (2013) “Shapewear Fit and Attractiveness Ratings Based on Body Type”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).
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