The Central Role of Product Beauty in Consumers’ Neuropsychological Response to the Design of Hedonic and Utilitarian Products
Aesthetic experience and preference is not a unitary phenomenon, and is the result of affective and cognitive elements (Di Dio & Gallese, 2009). Affective response refers to the feelings and emotions experienced when interacting with or observing an object (Yeung & Wyer, 2004). Cognitive response includes the mental categorization of the product as well as productrelated beliefs such as quality, durability, and ease of use (Bloch, 1995). While studies have examined how different properties of the object contribute to perceptions of product beauty, the influence of these perception in subsequent affective and cognitive responses of consumer has been left unexamined.
Keywords: fMRI, complexity, design, category
How to Cite:
Chattaraman, V., Kim, H. & Deshpande, G., (2013) “The Central Role of Product Beauty in Consumers’ Neuropsychological Response to the Design of Hedonic and Utilitarian Products”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).
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