Designed to Include: A Pilot Study Offering Creative Design Solutions for People Living with Disabilities
People living with disabilities (PLWD) struggle with clothing-related barriers to social participation, which can impact their quality of life and independent living. PLWD navigate both physical and attitudinal barriers and the individual models that frame disability often describe the disability as a personal tragedy or problem that the PLWD must overcome. The aim of this exploratory pilot study was (a) identifying clothing-related problems, and (b) using an inclusive design approach to support the clothing-related problems facing PLWD.
How to Cite:
McBee-Black, K., McAndrews, L. & Kabel, A., (2015) “Designed to Include: A Pilot Study Offering Creative Design Solutions for People Living with Disabilities”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 72(1).
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